Information Harmonization

This section addresses:

:USDA #4:

Allow incorporation ARS ontology for ingredients nomenclature with access to external databases.

:USDA #8:

Provide links to other nutrition-related databases.

Table of Contents

Ontomatica Coverage

Ontomatica harmonizes terms defined by the authorities € below.

Our methods create relationships between terms € by using one or more of the following predicates €:

schema:sameAs skos:exactMatch skos:closeMatch skos:relatedMatch

Harmonization enables a depositor € to use the authority’s term, rather than an equivalent USDA term. Harmonization is essential for implementing USDA prime.


Domain Harmonized Terms from Authorities Example
Bio-chemistry USDA ARS chemicals  
  UN FAO INFOODS chemicals  
  US NIH PubChem chemicals  
  ChEBI chemicals  
  USDA NALT chemicals  
  USDA ARS GrainGenes (for wheat ontology)  
  UN FAO AgroVoc chemicals  
  Protein Data Bank (PDB) chemicals  
  Bio-chemical references in US Code of Federal Regulation  
  US NIH NCI Applied Research chemicals  
  US NIH NCI thesaurus chemicals  
  ChEMBL bioactive compounds  
  UniProt bioactive compounds  
  PDB bioactive compounds  
  US NIH NCBI Structure bioactive compounds  
  US NIH NCBI Taxon for bacteria and virus  
  US FDA Unique Ingredient Identifiers (UNII)  
  Enzyme Commission (EC) identifiers  
  DBpedia terms  
  Chemical Abstract Society (CAS) identifiers  
Agricultural commodities IR-4 commodities  
  UN FAO AgroVoc commodities  
  UN FAO CODEX crop groups  
  UN FAO CODEX livestock groups  
  UN FAO fish commodities  
  USDA NALT commodities  
  US EPA Food Commodity Intake Data (FCID)  
  Agriculture commodity references in US Code of Federal Regulation  
  DBpedia terms  
Food and meals USDA ARS Food Patterns Equivalents Data (FPED) identities  
  US NIH NCI Applied Research identities  
  Food identities in US Code of Federal Regulation  
  UN FAO food groups  
Analytical methods UN INFOODS tags for CODEX methods  
  AOAC international methods  
  Methods associated with specific analytical devices and equipment  

Example: Fish

Aquatic term UN FAO term code EUNIS term code DBpedia term AgroVoc term code NALT term code
Common octopus cl_species:OCC eunis:60605 dbpedia:Common_Octopus agrovoc:c_5307 nalt:55627
Angler cl_species:MON eunis:124874 dbpedia:Lophius_piscatorius agrovoc:c_46042 nalt:201339
Red mullet cl_species:MUT eunis:124879 dbpedia:Mullus_barbatus agrovoc:c_43349 nalt:43361
Great Atlantic scallop cl_species:SCE eunis:60712 dbpedia:Pecten_maximus agrovoc:c_31159 nalt:57135
Red swamp crawfish cl_species:RCW eunis:258990 dbpedia:Procambarus_clarkii agrovoc:c_46824 nalt:50664
Swordfish cl_species:SWO eunis:124899 dbpedia:Swordfish agrovoc:c_7559 nalt:65299
Crested flounder cl_species:LFG   dbpedia:Crested_flounder agrovoc:c_45572 nalt:40297
Giant grouper cl_species:EEN   dbpedia:Giant_grouper agrovoc:c_42341 nalt:40299
Largemouth black bass cl_species:MPS eunis:10072 dbpedia:Largemouth_bass agrovoc:c_37035 nalt:52789
Pacific herring cl_species:HEP eunis:124939 dbpedia:Pacific_herring agrovoc:c_39009 nalt:40303
Pandalid shrimps cl_species:PDZ   dbpedia:Pandalidae agrovoc:c_46467 nalt:31889
Penaeid shrimps cl_species:PEZ   dbpedia:Penaeidae agrovoc:c_46269 nalt:31890

Example: Variety of Frequently Used Terms

Term UN FAO term code NALT term code DBpedia term
Brassica agrovoc:c_1060 nalt:19293 dbpedia:Brassica
Flavonoids agrovoc:c_2964 nalt:10004 dbpedia:Flavonoid
food composition agrovoc:c_10961 nalt:10481 dbpedia:Food_composition_data
Bioavailability agrovoc:c_32390 nalt:10477 dbpedia:Bioavailability
Nutritive value agrovoc:c_5278 nalt:10486 dbpedia:Dietary_Reference_Values
Age agrovoc:c_186 nalt:110 dbpedia:Ageing
Apples agrovoc:c_541 nalt:11308 dbpedia:Apple
Processed foods agrovoc:c_28228 nalt:15553 dbpedia:Processed_food
Carbonated beverages agrovoc:c_28261 nalt:16986 dbpedia:Soft_drink
Fish products agrovoc:c_2930 nalt:9444 dbpedia:Fish_products
Milk protein agrovoc:c_4831 nalt:9453 dbpedia:Milk#Physical_and_chemical_structure

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