Generic Verbs and Nouns

This section addresses:

:USDA #12:

Support capture/documentation of metadata for food composition and non-composition data.


The following terms are members of a class of ontology-independent-terms. These terms map to specific terms in ontologies. The summary below identifies:

  • verb (a.k.a. predicate, relationship, object property)
  • noun (a.k.a. thing, object) specified as X and Y. A more precise term is specified as {noun}. A precise noun, as specified by an authority, is identified on Data Integration. Many examples are listed in Glossary of Terms.

isA Relationships

Relationship Inverse
X includesSpecific Y Y isA X
  Taxon isA Taxon
  Food product isA Food product
  Food product isOneOf {Food product list}
  X inheritsTo Y
  Y inheritsFrom X

WordNet whole-part Relationships (Holonymy/meronymy)

Relationship Inverse
X containsSubstance Y Y substanceContainedIn X
FoodProduct containsSubstance  
    {Substance, amount in total, amount in solids, label claim (yes/no) }  
X hasIngredient Y Y ingredientOf X
FoodProduct hasIngredient  
    {Food product, rank, total ingredient in total product,  
    ingredient solids in product solids {purpose list} }  
FoodProduct mayHaveIngredient  
    {Food product, rank, total ingredient in total product,  
    ingredient solids in product solids {purpose list} }  
X madeFrom Y Y usedToMake X
Container usesStructuralStrengthMaterial Substance  
Container usesCoatingMaterial Substance  
FoodProduct isMadeFrom FoodProduct  
FoodProduct isDerivedFrom  
    {Food source, environment, agricultural treatment, growth stage}  
FoodProduct isPartOf {Anatomical part, growth stage, cut, grade}  
FoodProduct isExtractedSubstance  
    {Extracted substance, extracting substance, process,  
    temperature, duration, sequence_ID.}  
FoodProduct hadRemovedSubstance {Extracted substance, etc.}  
X yieldsPortion Y Y portionOf X
X spatiallyIncludes Y Y spatiallyIncludedIn X
X hasComponent Y Y componentOf X
FoodProduct containsDish FoodProduct  

Additional Relationships

Relationship Inverse
X causes Y Y causedBy X
X instrumentFor Y Y performedByInstrument X
X processFor Y Y usesProcess X
X appliedTo Y Y underwentProcess X
FoodProduct underwentProcess  
    {Process, equipment, temperature, duration,  
    place/stage, sequence_ID, {purpose list} }  
FoodProduct isForSpecialUse {Use/diet, {country list} }  
FoodProduct madeFor {Consumer, {country list} }  
FoodProduct usuallyConsumedFor {Meal type, {country list} }  
{Taxon, AnatomicalPart} usedFor {purpose, priority {country list} }  
Substance usedFor {purpose, priority, food product}  
X beneficialFor Y Y benefitsFrom X
X treatmentFor Y Y treatedWith X
X harmfulFor Y Y harmedBy X
Substance harmfulFor {harmful effect, strength, food product}  
X growsIn Y Y growthEnvironmentFor X
X hasPhase Y Y phaseOf X
FoodProduct hasState Physical state  
X hasForm Y Y isFormOf X
FoodProduct hasForm Physical form  
Container hasForm Physical form  
FoodProduct packedIn Container  
X hasPrice MoneyAmount  
Substance measuredIn Unit of measurement  

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