AOAC Analytical Methods

Intro text here.

Table of contents

Amino Acids Analysis

Type Identifier Reference
Available Lysine Method 975.44 :cite:`1068`
Standard Protein Hydrolysate Method 982.30 (45.3.05) :cite:`1069`
Methionine, Lysine or Hydroxyproline Method 982.30 E(a) :cite:`1070`
Amino Acid Profile without Tryptophan Method 982.30 E(a,b) :cite:`1071`
Complete Amino Acid Profile Method 982.30 E(a,b,c) :cite:`1072`
Cysteine & Methionine Method 982.30 E(b) :cite:`1073`
Tryptophan Method 988.15 :cite:`1075`
Hydroxyproline Method 990.26 (39.1.27) :cite:`1077`
Hydroxyproline Method 991.20 :cite:`1079`
Feed Method 994.12 (4.1.11) :cite:`1081`
Free Supplemental Amino Acids Method 999.13 :cite:`1082`

Lipids, Fats and Oils Analysis

Type Identifier Reference
Phospholipids, Total Method 15:949.07 :cite:`1015`
Total Fat Method 920.39 :cite:`1016`
Total Carotenoids Method 938.04 :cite:`1021`
Total Carotenoids Method 941.15 (45.1.03) :cite:`1022`
Fat by Acid Hydrolysis Method 954.02 (4.5.02 or 7.063) :cite:`1024`
Peroxide Value of Fats and Oils Method 965.33 :cite:`1026`
Fatty Acid Profile Method 965.49 :cite:`1027`
Fatty Acid Profile Method 969.33 :cite:`1028`
Cholesterol Method 970.51 :cite:`1029`
Carotene Method 970.64 :cite:`1030`
Xanthophylls Method 970.64 :cite:`1031`
Cholesterol Method 994.10 :cite:`1035`
Fatty Acid Profile Method 996.06 :cite:`1036`
Free Fatty Acids Method Ca 5a-40 :cite:`1037`
Total Fatty Acids (Crude) Method Ca 5b-71 :cite:`1038`
Color, FAC Method Cc 13a-43 :cite:`1039`
Fats and Oils Method Cd 8-53 :cite:`1040`
Fatty Acid Method Ce 1-62 :cite:`1041`
Omega 3 Fatty Acid Profile Method Ce 1b-89 :cite:`1042`
Fatty Acid Method Ce 1d-91 :cite:`1043`
Trans Fats - total Method Ce 1f-96 :cite:`1044`
Conjugated Linoleic Acids Method Ce 1h-05 :cite:`1045`
Fatty Acid Profile Method Ce 2-66 :cite:`1046`
Iodine Value Practice Ja 14-91 :cite:`1067`

Minerals Analysis

Type Identifier Reference
Chloride, manual titration Method 9.15.01, 943.01 :cite:`1047`
Silicate, gravimetric Method 920.08 :cite:`1048`
Iodine, volumetric Method 935.14 :cite:`1050`
Flame Emission Photometry Method 956.01 :cite:`1054`
Sulfur, gravimetric Method 956.01 :cite:`1055`
Boron, volumetric Method 958.03 :cite:`1056`
Phosphorus, gravimetric Method 966.01 :cite:`1057`
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Method 968.08 :cite:`1058`
Sulfur Method 980.02 :cite:`1060`
Boron Method 982.01 B(a) :cite:`1061`
Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn Method 984.27 :cite:`1062`
ICP-OES Method 985.01(A, B, D) :cite:`1063`
Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Selenium and Zinc Method 986.15 (9.1.01) :cite:`1064`
Selenium Method 996.16(G) :cite:`1065`

Vitamin Analysis

Type Identifier Reference
Microbiological method Method 940.33 (45.2.06) :cite:`1094`
Niacin and Niacinamide Method 944.13 (45.2.04) :cite:`1096`
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12 Activity) Method 952.20 (45.2.02) :cite:`1098`
Vitamin B6 Method 961.15 (45.2.08) :cite:`1099`
L-ascorbic acid Method 967.22 (45.1.15) :cite:`1100`
Riboflavin Method 970.65 :cite:`1101`
Vitamin D Method 982.29 (45.1.22) :cite:`1102`
Pantothenic acid Method 992.07 (50.1.22) :cite:`1103`
Vitamin D Method 995.05 (50.1.23) :cite:`1104`

Proximate Analysis and Calculations

Type Identifier Reference
Acid Detergent Fiber Method 973.18 (A-D) :cite:`1001`
Cellulose Method 973.18 (A-D) :cite:`1002`
Lignin Method 973.18 (A-D) :cite:`1003`
Crude Fiber Method 978.10 :cite:`1004`
Starch Method 979.10 (32.2.05) :cite:`1005`
Total Dietary Fiber in Foods Method 985.29 (45.4.07) :cite:`1007`
Phytic acid Method 986.11 :cite:`1008`
Total, Soluble Dietary Fiber Method 991.43 (32.1.17) :cite:`1009`
Beta-Glucan Method 995.16 :cite:`1010`
Crude Fiber Procedure Ba 6a-05 :cite:`1011`
Crude Fat Method 920.39 (A) :cite:`1017`
Crude Fat Method 922.06 (32.1.14) :cite:`1018`
Total Fat Method 925.12 (32.5.05) :cite:`1019`
Total Fat Method 933.05 :cite:`1020`
Crude Fat Method 954.02 :cite:`1023`
Total Fat Method 960.39 (39.1.05) :cite:`1025`
Total Fat Method 983.23 (45.4.02) :cite:`1032`
Total Fat Method 989.05 :cite:`1033`
Total Fat Method 989.05 (33.2.26) :cite:`1034`
Ash Determination Method 923.03 (32.1.05) :cite:`1049`
Ash Determination Method 942.05 :cite:`1051`
Ash Determination Method 942.05 (4.1.10) :cite:`1052`
Ash Determination Method 945.46 :cite:`1053`
Acid Insoluble Ash Method Ba 5b-68 :cite:`1066`
Nitrogen Method 984.13 (A-D) :cite:`1074`
Total Nitrogen or Crude Protein Method 990.03 :cite:`1076`
Crude Protein Method 992.15 (39.1.16) :cite:`1080`
Nitrogen Solubility Index Method Ba 11-65 :cite:`1083`
Total, Dietary Fiber Method 991.43 :cite:`1084`
Moisture (M) Method 934.01 :cite:`1105`
Moisture (M) Method 934.01 (4.1.03) :cite:`1106`
Moisture (M) Method 934.06 (37.1.10) :cite:`1107`
Moisture (M) Method 950.46 (39.1.02) :cite:`1108`
Moisture (M) Method 964.22 (42.1.05) :cite:`1109`
Total Carbohydrates, by difference   :cite:`1085`
Available Carbohydrates   :cite:`1086`
Non-structural Carbohydrates   :cite:`1087`
Gross Calories   :cite:`1088`
Acid Detergent Fiber   :cite:`1089`
Neutral Detergent Fiber   :cite:`1090`
Cellulose   :cite:`1091`
Hemicellulose   :cite:`1092`
Nitrogen-free Extract   :cite:`1093`