Food Patterns

Intro text

USDA FNDDS Food Patterns

Food Pattern Class Food Pattern Type Term
Beverages Total beverages Bev_0
Beverages Total alcoholic beverages Bev_1
Beverages Total nonalcoholic beverages Bev_2
Beverages Wine Bev_11
Beverages Beer and ale Bev_12
Beverages Coffee Bev_21
Beverages Tea Bev_22
Beverages Total fruit juice drinks and fruit flavored drinks Bev_23
Beverages Regular fruit juice drinks and fruit flavored drinks Bev_231
Beverages Low-calorie fruit juice drinks and fruit flavored drinks Bev_232
Beverages Total carbonated soft drinks Bev_24
Beverages Regular carbonated soft drinks Bev_241
Beverages Low-calorie carbonated soft drinks Bev_242
Beverages Water Water_1
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Eggs Egg_0
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Total fats and oils Fat_0
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Table fats Fat_1
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Salad dressings Fat_2
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Legumes Legume_0
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Nuts and Seeds Nutseed_0
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Total sugars and sweets Sugar_0
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Sugars Sugar_1
Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets Candy Sugar_2
Fruits Total fruits Fruit_0
Fruits Total citrus fruits and juices Fruit_1
Fruits Dried fruit Fruit_2
Fruits Total other fruits, mixtures, juices Fruit_3
Fruits Citrus juices Fruit_11
Fruits Apples Fruit_31
Fruits Bananas Fruit_32
Fruits Melon and berries Fruit_33
Fruits Other fruits and mixtures, mainly fruit Fruit_34
Fruits Non-citrus juices and nectars Fruit_35
Grain Products Total Grain Grain_0
Grain Products Yeast breads and rolls Grain_1
Grain Products Total cereals, rice, and pasta Grain_2
Grain Products Quick breads, pancakes, French toast Grain_3
Grain Products Cakes, cookies, pastries, pies Grain_4
Grain Products Crackers, popcorn, pretzels, corn chips Grain_5
Grain Products Mixtures mainly grain Grain_6
Grain Products Ready-to-eat cereals Grain_21
Grain Products Rice Grain_22
Grain Products Pasta Grain_23
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Total meat, poultry, and fish Meat_0
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Beef Meat_1
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Pork Meat_2
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Lamb, veal, game Meat_3
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Organ meats Meat_4
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Frankfurters, sausage, luncheon meats Meat_5
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Total poultry Meat_6
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Fish and shellfish Meat_7
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Mixtures mainly meat, poultry, fish Meat_8
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Chicken Meat_61
Milk and Milk Products Total milk and milk products Milk_0
Milk and Milk Products Total milk, milk drinks, yogurt Milk_1
Milk and Milk Products Yogurt Milk_2
Milk and Milk Products Milk desserts Milk_3
Milk and Milk Products Cheese Milk_4
Milk and Milk Products   Milk_0C
Milk and Milk Products Total fluid milk Milk_11
Milk and Milk Products Whole milk Milk_111
Milk and Milk Products Low fat milk Milk_112
Milk and Milk Products Skim milk Milk_113
Vegetables Total vegetables Veg_0
Vegetables White potatoes Veg_1
Vegetables Dark green vegetables Veg_02
Vegetables Deep yellow vegetables Veg_3
Vegetables Tomatoes Veg_4
Vegetables Lettuce, lettuce-based salads Veg_5
Vegetables Green beans Veg_6
Vegetables Corn, green peas, lima beans Veg_7
Vegetables Other vegetables Veg_8
Vegetables Fried potatoes Veg_11