Ontomatica Expertise

Table of Contents


Ontomatica integrates knowledge and informatics about foods, agricultural commodities, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. Knowledge and informatics are documented as Ontologies, from which production systems are generated. Scope of Ontomatica expertise is demonstrated in more than twenty (20) production systems. Twelve (12) systems are presented below.

Chemical, Food, Therapeutic, Clinical and Research Databases

ChEFS - Chemical Entities of Food Significance

50,000+ chemicals organized by Facets

  • Bioactive Capabilities of Specific Chemicals
  • Biological Effects of Specific Chemicals
  • Chemical Capabilities
  • Chemical Category
  • Food Nutrient and Dietary Chemicals
  • Food Pesticide Chemicals with Regulated Residues on Food Commodities
  • Industrial Uses
  • Name of Biological Source of Chemical
  • Part of Biological Source of Chemical
Significance:Precise chemical classification and relationships with Authorities and uses.

ChEMATIC - Chemical Entities with Medical Applications, Therapeutic Indications and Consequences

300,000+ substances organized by Facets

  • Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
  • Biological Factors
  • Carbohydrates
  • Chemical Actions and Uses
  • Complex Mixtures
  • Enzymes and Coenzymes
  • Heterocyclic Compounds
  • Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists
  • Inorganic Chemicals
  • Lipids
  • Macromolecular Substances
  • Nucleic Acids, Nucleotides, and Nucleosides
  • Organic Chemicals
  • Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • Polycyclic Compounds

and their relationship with

  • Anatomy
  • Diseases and Disorders (26 classes)
  • Human Genes
  • Organisms
Significance:Precise substance classification and relationships with human disorders, human genes and interactions between substances and genes.

Dietary Data Reference

Food items organized by these Facets

  • Adjunct Characteristics
  • Consumer Group / Dietary Use /Label Claim
  • Contact Surface
  • Container or Wrapping
  • Cooking Method
  • Extent of Heat Treatment
  • Geographic Places and Regions
  • Identifying Substance
  • Packing Medium
  • Part of Substance
  • Physical State, Shape or Form
  • Preservation Method
  • Regulatory Category
  • Substances Included
  • Treatment Applied
Example:Dietary Data Reference
Significance:Foods and their relationships with dietary chemicals, food preparation techniques, food packaging substances and food label claims.

USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Standard Reference items organized by these Facets

  • Food Source
  • Index to Food Descriptions (A - Z)
  • Product Type
  • Substances Included
Example:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Significance:USDA SR implemented in Facet navigation architecture.

Specialty Foods and GS1

Same structure as Dietary Data Reference but with different items

Example:Specialty Foods and GS1

Basic Food Data Kit

Food commodities organized by these Facets

  • Commodities by Crop Group
  • Commodities by Food Group
  • Food Source
  • Index to Food Commodity Names (A - Z)
  • Part of Food Source
  • Scientific Name
Example:Food Data Kit - Basic
Significance:Food commodities and relationships with UN FAO, USDA and US EPA regulatory and identity terms.

USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies

Food and meal items organized by these Facets

  • Constituents by Crop Group
  • Constituents by Food Group
  • Food Descriptions and Constituents
  • Index to Food Descriptions (1 - 3; A - Z)
Example:USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies - with EPA FCID
Significance:Unique implementation of USDA FNDDS foods and meals and their relationships with UN FAO, USDA and US EPA regulatory and identity terms.

Reference Library (based on National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)

Agriculture-related items organized by these Facets

  • Animal Science and Animal Products
  • Biological Sciences
  • Breeding and Genetic Improvement
  • Calendar Year
  • Economics, Business and Industry
  • Farms and Farming Systems
  • Food and Human Nutrition
  • Forest Science and Forest Products
  • Geographical Locations
  • Government, Law and Regulations
  • Health and Pathology
  • Insects and Entomology
  • Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Physical and Chemical Sciences
  • Plant Science and Plant Products
  • Reference Types
  • Research, Technology and Engineering
  • Rural and Agricultural Sociology
  • Taxa - Algae
  • Taxa - Animalia
  • Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria
  • Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews
  • Taxa - Plantae
  • Taxa - Viruses and Viroids
  • Time Periods
Example:Reference Library - based on National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (NALT)
Significance:Unique implementation of USDA NALT and relationships with published articles about food and agriculture science.

Dietary Supplements and FDA SPL

  • Dietary supplement items organized by these Facets
  • Additive Treatments
  • Contact Surface
  • Container or Wrapping
  • Dietary Supplement Products
  • Dosage Form
  • Label Claims
  • Manufacturing Procedures
  • Nutrients
  • Part of Source
  • Preservation Methods
  • Product Documentation
  • Region of Origin
  • Sensory Terms
  • Source of Base Ingredient
  • Supplement Treatments
  • Treatments Applied
Example:Dietary Supplements and FDA SPL
Significance:Supplements in a Facet navigation architecture with a structure that aligns with US FDA Structured Product Label terms.

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedy items organized by these Facets

  • Animal Science and Animal Products
  • Biological Sciences
  • Economics, Business and Industry
  • Health and Pathology
  • Physical and Chemical Sciences
  • Plant Science and Plant Products
  • Research, Technology and Engineering
  • Scientific Classification
  • Sociology
Example:Homeopathic remedies and FDA SPL
Significance:Similar to dietary supplements but where Items are homeopathic remedies.

Glucosinolate Content in Brassica

Phytochemical items organized by these Facets

  • Adjunct Characteristics
  • Affiliations
  • Anatomical Part
  • Biological Source
  • Data Acquisition Type
  • Data Reference Type
  • Extent of Heat Treatment
  • Genetic Characteristics
  • Geographic Regions
  • Growing Conditions
  • Matrix Values
  • Maturity Period
  • Measurement Units
  • Method Indicators
  • Method Type
  • Nitrogen Components
  • Organosulfur Compounds
  • Physical State, Shape or Form
  • Product Type
  • Review Status
  • Time Periods
  • Treatment Applied
  • Years
Example:Glucosinolate Content in Brassica
Significance:Unique implementation of food and chemistry research integrates data from scientific analysis with a Facet navigation architecture.


Plant taxonomy database using biological classification.

  • Kingdom
  • Division
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Subfamily
  • Tribe
  • Genus
  • Species
Significance:Uses USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).


Examples and projects above demonstrate that Ontomatica is the world leader in building information systems delivering knowledge and informatics about foods, agricultural commodities, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.