FDA Food Labeling Specifications

The following food labeling regulations are specified by the authority € FDA that is part of [schema:partOf] the jurisdiction € USA.

Ontomatica Coverage

Section below reference US FDA food labeling specifications.

Ontomatica label classes € integrate all information specified by referenced sections.

FDA Food Labeling Guide

Table of Contents
   Name of Food
   Net Quantity of Contents Statements
   Ingredient Lists
      Food Allergen Labeling
   Nutrition Labeling
      Nutrient Declaration
      Products with Separately Packaged Ingredients/Assortments of Foods
   Serving Size
   Exemptions/Special Labeling Provisions
      Nutrient Content Claims
      Health Claims
      Qualified Health Claims
      Structure/Function Claims
   Appendix F: Calculate the Percent Daily Value (DV) for the
     Appropriate Nutrients
   Appendix G: Daily Values for Infants, Children Less Than 4 Years of Age,
     and Pregnant and Lactating Women