Format Used in Proposal

USDA requirements are formatted as follows:

:USDA #12:

Support capture/documentation of metadata for food composition and non-composition data.

Ontology terms are formatted as follows:

  • schema:sameAs (the facet term meaning that A is the same as B)
  • ncit:C46090 (the NIH NCI facet term code for the facet term “Glycemic Index”)
  • agrontology:isUsedToMake (the UN FAO term meaning that A is used to make B)

A word or phrase that is a link to a URL is formatted as follows: food labeling services for the USDA community

A term that is defined in the glossary is formatted as follows: application services

A bibliographic references is formatted as follows: See :cite:`5002` for more information about …

Discussion about a design or approach.

  • point 1
  • point 2
  • point 3
  • point 4

Illustration of a REST conversation

See also

Reference to a related section of the Proposal


Advice based on experience with managing similar issues


Warning that an alternative approach may produce an ineffective result


Advice that an alternative approach will produce a poor or unintended outcome